Rabu, 19 Januari 2022


                                                                      NOVEL REVIEW

Book: Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone
Page count: 223 page
Author: J.K. Rowling
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Date Of Release: 26 June 1997
Genre: Fantasy


Harry Potter's life is miserable. His parents are dead and he's stuck with his heartless relatives, who
force him to live in a tiny closet under the stairs. But his fortune changes when he receives a letter that
tells him the truth about himself: he's a wizard. A mysterious visitor rescues him from his relatives and
takes him to his new home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

After a lifetime of bottling up his magical powers, Harry finally feels like a normal kid. But even within
the Wizarding community, he is special. He is the boy who lived: the only person to have ever survived a
killing curse inflicted by the evil Lord Voldemort, who launched a brutal takeover of the Wizarding world,
only to vanish after failing to kill Harry.

Though Harry's first year at Hogwarts is the best of his life, not everything is perfect. There is a
dangerous secret object hidden within the castle walls, and Harry believes it's his responsibility to
prevent it from falling into evil hands. But doing so will bring him into contact with forces more terrifying
than he ever could have imagined.

Full of sympathetic characters, wildly imaginative situations, and countless exciting details, the first

installment in the series assembles an unforgettable magical world and sets the stage for many high-
stakes adventures to come.

Novel Review:

The book is about an eleven year old British kid named Harry Potter who has no idea that he is a wizard
and is destined to learn magic at a wizardry school . It’s just a beginning of an incredible and magical

This book mainly contributes towards the world building . It’s suitable for almost every age group and
you’re going to love it no matter how old you are. I had watched the movies before I started reading the
books and I think that the books are a lot better than the films . With the books you just dive into the
wizarding world but in the movies you just watch it on the screen.

A truly amazing book. This was my first time reading Harry Potter and J.K Rowling. Once I started
reading, I just couldn't stop myself. It was simply awesome. Beware, this book is addictive. Once you
start reading, you too won't be able to control yourself. And once you finish reading, you'll want to read
the next novel in the Harry Potter series. In fact, it is one of the best books in English literature, if you
look at it from the skill point of you. J.K Rowling's writing skill is simply amazing. If you read carefully,
you'll observe that she writes everything in amazing detail whilst using as fewer words as possible,
without using dank adjectives and words which are gonna make your head spin. If you are a fan of
reading fantasy, adventure and detective novels, I would surely recommend this book.

Book Advantages

This book is suitable for all readers. The language is light and easy to understand. The story telling in this book is very interesting and very interesting for the readers. The characters in this book are well described and detailed. This book can train the brain to imagine more deeply to describe the scenario presented by the author.

Lack of books

I don't think this book has any flaws. From everything that includes the book cover, story, theme, and characterization, this book is very good.


I highly recommend reading this book. The story is interesting and unpredictable, of course, it can make us always guess what will come next. This book can be read by all ages, from children to adults.

Rabu, 17 November 2021



Group 6 Maximilian and Isa Sabanda

Our plan to combat climate change :

  • We will try to adopt solar panels as a viable alternative to conventional energy production. By installing solar panels on top of our homes, we will reduce carbon emissions emitted by coal plants.

  • We will try to increase the numbers of plants in our neighborhoods to make a fresher environment and also to suck CO2 out of our atmosphere

  • We will try to reduce our usage of air conditioner to decrease our emissions of refrigerant chemicals that can damage the environment

  • We will try to reduce the amount of food waste that we throw away so that we reduce the amount of emissions of CO2 that is emitted to our atmosphere

  • We will try to reduce the usage of fuel based transportation in preference to zero emission transportation like bicycles and electric car

  • We will try to reduce the amount of meat we eat on our diet to reduce the amount of emissions produced by the meat industry

Rabu, 03 November 2021


Room 5 :

M. Isa Sabanda (24)

M. Nurfata (27)

Tariza Az-Zahra (35)

The Influence of Social Media on Teenagers

Social media has become a space where we form and build relationships, form our identities, express ourselves, and learn about the world around us. However, it should be reiterated that like technology in general, the use of social media certainly has good and bad effects on various aspects of its users lives, especially in terms of users' mental health. Considering that social media users are mostly teenagers and at that age is a very important phase for their emotional and psychosocial development.

The existence of social media makes everyone able to communicate even at great distances. Besides being able to make friends with many people. Social media can also be used as a medium of information, whether in education, social, or politics. Finally, social media can also be used for us to share the knowledge we have by posting on social media.

On the other hand, there is a positive impact that can be obtained, there is a negative side from uncontrolled use of social media. Among them, teenagers can experience social disorders, become selfish individuals. And also makes someone addicted and some even experience depression due to their dependence on social media.

So that we can benefit and provide benefits to many people..Social media has both positive and negative impacts. But we can not avoid the development of these technologies. We can only control ourselves how we use it wisely. 


Kamis, 23 Januari 2020

The Clever Violinist


One day a violinist decided to play some music as he was walking through the woods. But this attracted a large fierce bear. 

"How well you play," he said to the man, to gain his confidence. "Could you teach me to play as well?" 

"Of course," answered the violinist, not fooled at all. "As long asyou do what I tell you. Put your paws in the crack in this tree."

The bear did as he was told and the musician was quick to jam his paws in the crack with a large stone. The bear was stuck tight. 

The next time the violinist played, he attracted a lion, and the same scene was repeated. This time the beast was caught in a trap and ended up hanging by its tail from a tree. Then it was the turn of a tiger,which was captured by a similiar trick.

When the three wild beasts managed to free themselves, the chased after the violinist, seeking revenge, but they found him in the company of a new friend. A huge woodsman with a giant axe, who chased the animals away. And so the clever violinist crossed the forest in safety.

Kamis, 09 Januari 2020


         My first day of my holiday was very boring. I didnt know what things that I can do on that day. I think my first day of this last year holiday was the worst day of my whole life. So I decided to stay at home and play some video games until a week I just play that games every single time. But, I didnt forget to pray, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Guys! do you want to know some information that I did in my holiday? let me tell you something. You know that I played some video games right? one of them was "RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2". If you search this game on the internet you will find the minimum age to play this game and I recommend if you play this game dont forget to use headset because the audio of this game was surround and it feels like you was in the game. 

         After a week I spend my time to play video games, I finally stop to play it and start to play with friends. Why I stop to play video games, because it makes me like people who dont have a good future or like a nerd HAHAHAHAHA (: . Play with friends makes me more relax and happy compared with play video games. I can add more friends of mine and its good for me because in the future, friends sometime useful if you need them in your job or else. A day before new year, I made an interesting plan that on 12 pm tomorrow me and my friends went to pasupati bridge and pull over to saw how beautiful fireworks at that hour. Until the next day, in the morning I called my friends to prepare for new year. And it happened, in 12.05 am the fireworks was caloring the sky. We also bought some fireworks and turn on it just like everybody else. 


Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019


Hasil gambar untuk harimau sumatera

The Sumatran tiger is a Panthera tigris sondaica population in the Indonesian island of Sumatra. This population was listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List in 2008, as it was estimated at 441 to 679 individuals, with no subpopulation larger than 50 individuals and a declining trend.
The Sumatran tiger is the only surviving tiger population in the sunda siland , where the bali and javan tigers are extinct. sequences from complete mithocondrial genes of 34 tigers support the hypothesis that Sumatran tigers are diagnostically distinct from mainland subspecies.
In 2017, the Cat Classification Task Force of the Cat Specialist Group revised felid taxonomy and recognizes the living and extinct tiger populations in Indonesia as P. t. sondaica.

The Sumatran tiger was described on the basis of two zoological specimens that differed in skull size and striping pattern from Bengal and Javan tiger specimen. It is darker in fur colour and has broader stripes than the Javan tiger. Stripes tend to dissolve into spots near their ends, and on the back, flanks and hind legs are lines of small, dark spots between the regular stripes. The frequency of stripes is higher than in other subspecies. Males have a prominent ruff, which is especially marked in the Sumatran tiger.
The Sumatran tiger is one of the smallest tigers. Males measure between the pegs 2.2 to 2.55 m (87 to 100 in) in head-to-body length, with a greatest length of skull of 295 to 335 mm (11.6 to 13.2 in), and weigh 100 to 140 kg (220 to 310 lb). Females weigh 75 to 110 kg (165 to 243 lb) and measure 2.15 to 2.30 m (85 to 91 in) in length between the pegs with a greatest length of skull of 263 to 294 mm (10.4 to 11.6 in).

Kamis, 26 September 2019


Hasil gambar untuk old trafford 

Old Trafford Stadium 
Old Trafford is a football stadium in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, England, and the home of Manchester United. With a capacity of 74,879, it is the largest club football stadium (and second largest football stadium overall after Wembley Stadium) in the United Kingdom, and the eleventh-largest in Europe. It is about 0.5 miles (800 m) from Old Trafford Cricket Ground and the adjacent tram stop.
Nicknamed "The Theatre of Dreams" by Bobby Charlton, Old Trafford has been United's home ground since 1910, although from 1941 to 1949 the club shared Maine Road with local rivals Manchester City as a result of Second World War bomb damage. Old Trafford underwent several expansions in the 1990s, and 2000s, including the addition of extra tiers to the North, West and East Stands, almost returning the stadium to its original capacity of 80,000. Future expansion is likely to involve the addition of a second tier to the South Stand, which would raise the capacity to around 88,000. The stadium's record attendance was recorded in 1939, when 76,962 spectators watched the FA Cup semi-final between Wolverhampton Wanderers and Grimsby Town.
Old Trafford has hosted FA Cup semi-finals, England fixtures, matches at the 1966 World Cup and Euro 96 and the 2003 Champions League Final, as well as rugby league's annual Super League Grand Final and the final of two Rugby League World Cups. It also hosted football matches at the 2012 Summer Olympics, including women's international football for the first time in its history.

Kamis, 12 September 2019


"Prof. Dr. Ing. Dr. Sc. Mult. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie" 

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie 25 June 1936 – 11 September 2019) was an Indonesian engineer and politician who was the president of Indonesia from 1998 to 1999. Only two months after his inauguration as vice president on March 1998, he succeeded Suharto who resigned after thirty-some years in office. His presidency is seen as a landmark and transition to the Reformation era. Upon becoming president, he liberalized Indonesia's press and political party laws, and held an early democratic election three years sooner than scheduled, which resulted in the end of his presidency. Initially intended to serve until 10 and 11 March 2003 in his respective offices, his eventual 517-day presidency and 71-day vice presidency are the shortest in the country's history. 

Habibie was a native of Parepare, now in Indonesia's South Sulawesi Province. His parents, Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie, an agriculturist of Gorontalese descent, and R. A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo, a Javanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta,[met while studying in Bogor. Habibie's family comes from Kabila, a village in the eastern part of Gorontalo Province. He was the fourth of eight children. Habibie's father died when he was 14 years old.

Habibie went to Delft, the Netherlands, to study aviation and aerospace at the Technische Hogeschool Delft (Delft University of Technology), but for political reasons (the West New Guinea dispute between the Netherlands and Indonesia), he had to continue his study at the Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen University) in Aachen, Germany. In 1960, Habibie received an engineer's degree in Germany with the title Diplom-Ingenieur. He remained in Germany as a research assistant under Hans Ebner at the Lehrstuhl und Institut für Leichtbau, RWTH Aachen to conduct research for his doctoral degree.
In 1962, Habibie returned to Indonesia for three months on sick leave. During this time, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the daughter of R. Mohamad Besari. Habibie had known Hasri Ainun in childhood, junior high school and in senior high school at SMA Kristen Dago (Dago Christian Senior High School), Bandung. The two married on 12 May 1962, returning to Germany shortly afterwards. Habibie and his wife settled in Aachen for a short period before moving to Oberforstbach. In May 1963 they had a son, Ilham Akbar Habibie.
Habibie later found employment with the railway stock firm Waggonfabrik Talbot, where he became an advisor in designing train wagons. Due to his work with Makosh, the head of train construction offered his position to Habibie upon retirement three years later, but Habibie refused the position.
In 1965, Habibie delivered his dissertation in aerospace engineering and received the grade of "very good," giving him the title Doktoringenieur (Dr.-Ing.). The same year, he accepted Hans Ebner's offer to continue his research on Thermoelastisitas and work toward his Habilitation, but he declined the offer to join RWTH as a professor. His thesis about light construction for supersonic or hypersonic states also attracted offers of employment from companies such as Boeing and Airbus, which Habibie again declined.
Habibie did accept a position with Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm in Hamburg. There, he developed theories on thermodynamics, construction, and aerodynamics known as the Habibie Factor, Habibie Theorem, and Habibie Method, respectively. He worked for Messerschmitt on the development of the Airbus A-300B aircraft. In 1974, he was promoted to vice president of the company. 

In 1974, Suharto recruited Habibie to return to Indonesia as part of his drive to industrialize and develop the country. Habibie initially served as a special assistant to Ibnu Sutowo, Chief Exeutive Officer of the state oil company Pertamina. Two years later, in 1976, Habibie was made CEO of the new state-owned enterprise Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN). (In 1985, PT. Nurtanio changed its name to Indonesian Aviation Industry and is now known as Indonesian Aerospace (Dirgantara)). In 1978, he was appointed as Minister of Research and Technology. He continued to play an important role in IPTN other "strategic" industries in this post. By the 1980s, IPTN had grown considerably, specializing in the manufacture of helicopters and small passenger planes. Under Habibie's leadership, IPTN became a manufacturer of aircraft including Puma helicopters and CASA planes. It pioneered a small passenger airplane, the N-250 Gatotkaca, in 1995, but the project was a commercial failure. In developing Indonesia's aviation industry, he adopted an approach called "Begin at the End and End at the Beginning". In this method, elements such as basic research became the last things upon which to focus, whilst actual manufacturing of the planes was placed as the first objective.
By 1991, Habibie oversaw ten state-owned industries including ship- and train-building, steel, arms, communications, and energy. A 1993 estimate determined that the estimates used nearly $2 billion a year in state funding, although the government's opaque accounting practices meant that the size of the industries was not completely known.
As minister, Habibie created the OFP (Overseas Fellowship Program), STMDP (Science Technology and Manpower Development Program) and STAID (Science and Technology for Industrial Development). These three programs provided scholarships to thousands of high school graduates to earn their bachelor's degrees in the STEM fields and for other technical professionals to continue their study for master's and doctorate program in the United States, Europe, Japan, and other countries.

Kamis, 05 September 2019


     Bandung sneakers season was the biggest sneaker event in Bandung. This event was held in 26-29 may 2019 at paskal hypersquare. I already came to the event and it was a great pleasure to came there. This is the important things that you should now about this event. 

  • Date: 26-29 May 2019 
  • Time: 10 am- 11 pm 
  • Location: Lobby langit 23 paskal shopping center 


  • Rp 30.000



  • All tickets are valid for one single entry only
  • No cancellation or changes allowed once ticket sold
  • No pets shall be allowed in the premises.
  • Dangerous material, explosives, weapon, and/or sharp objects shall be declared and surrendered prior to admission.
  • The management and staff shall reserve the right to refuse entry and/or expel from the premises any person(s) in breach of the terms & conditions.


  • Ticket pricing includes: Local Tax
  • Ticket pricing excludes: Ticket Fee Payment Surcharge 


  • IndoTix Ticket Office – Credit Card, Cash
  • Online – Credit Card Secure Payment*
  • IndoTix Authorized Agent – Cash, Credit Card*This method may require you to follow our authorization procedure, which is detailed below.
    • The cardholders name MUST be the same as the registered account name, If this is not the case, please contact Customer Services.
    • Bring your credit card as we will check to verify:
      1. Will-Call/redemption ticket at our Ticket Box/Outlets.

      2. Print at Home Ticket at venue entrance gate.
    • Transfer payment method please follows the steps below:
      1. Send your data: ID Card (KTP) number, Full name, Full address, Phone number, Email address, Name of event, Date and time of event, Ticket category, and Number of tickets will be purchased to ticketing@indotix.com
      2. We will reply your email to infom: The purchase price must be transfered to Our Bank Account. You must fill Your Full Name in the message of bank transfers.
      3. After you make the payment transfer, send a copy to ticketing@indotix.com
      4. You will get an email >confirmation from us.
      5. The confirmation email and your personal data must be taken when exchanges the ticket.  

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2019


My Biodata

     Welcome to my new blog. Let me introduce myself, my name is Muhammad Isa Sabanda, i was born in Bandung 28 October 2003 at Limijati hospital. I was a fisrt born child and i'm 15 years old. 
     I lived in Bandung at Imam Bonjol street beside Santo Borromeus hospital. Every sunday i always jogging around football field. 




                                                                      NOVEL REVIEW Book: Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone Page count: 2...